Cover Letter 2

          In the previous Phase, my class examined different aspects of literary and linguistic traits. During Phase 2, we learned more about the rhetorical features of texts. Everyone had to pick a video or essay that we had previously explored in class and write a Rhetorical Analysis essay based on that piece. Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” appealed to me the most because I could relate to it so well. It is one of my favorite essays that I have read in all of my academic years.

          In class, we studied different types of rhetorical strategies and our instructor taught us to analyze texts for what they do. Our first task was to write a summary of the rhetorical strategies used by the artist in our chosen piece. Writing the summary of “Mother Tongue” helped me organize my ideas for the essay and gain an insight of how my essay can be structured. I structured the language of my essay to accommodate my audience, my peers and instructor. Since they have already read the essay before, I did not go into the context of the essay too much but rather focused on the rhetorical strategies used by the writer. Instead of using complex language with literary jargon, I used simple and direct language that all my peers will be able to understand.

          One of the most significant insights I had during this phase was learning the potential of the rhetorical strategies. These techniques give the artist the ability to make their audience believe in their creation. I understood that the stronger rhetorical strategies, the more powerful the art. This prompted me to pick the strongest rhetorical techniques used by Tan to convince her audience for my essay. The context of the essay impacted my writing practices the most during this Phase. I had to learn how to properly analyze Tan’s essay and derive the rhetorical strategies she used to make her argument. I had to go beyond just stating what she said and had to explain the intended effect she had on the readers with her anecdotes and descriptive language.

          I really appreciated engaging in Peer Review. Having someone with a different perspective look into my essay helped me better my essay because I gained new insights on how to make my essay more appealing. It also helped me reduce my mistakes.

          This phase helped me achieve the Course Learning Outcome by aiding me to “recognize the role of language attitudes and standards in empowering, oppressing, and hierarchizing languages and their users, and be open to communicating across different languages and cultures.” My classmates and I empathize with Tan and her mother after reading her essay because we felt like they, and everyone else in their place, deserved better treatment. I acknowledged the powerful effect that the writer had on the readers by putting us in her shoes. Overall, this assignment led me to realize the importance of rhetorical strategies in all forms of art and I shall use this skill in my arguments in the future.